Hier nun meine Musiksammlung, die sich seit fast 40 Jahren in meinem Besitz befindet. Vorrangig sind dies Tangerine Dream, deren Musik mich seit meinem ersten Urlaub 1979 in Spanien mit meinem Freund Jörg Schlichtkrull fasziniert hat. Damals wählte ich den Soundtrack Sorcerer als Untermalung für eine Super 8-Filmszene in einem ausgetrockneten Flussbett.
Daneben ist Hawkwind ein wichtiges Standbein. Hierbei spielt eine Klassenfahrt nach Borkum eine Schlüsselrolle, die mich schließlich veranlasste die (preisreduzierte) Doppel-LP Space Ritual bei Horten zu kaufen. Ihr Debut-Hit Silvermachine lief damals in den Hitparaden rauf und runter.
Die deutsche Gruppe Eloy - die Jungs stammen aus Hannover - ist ebenfalls nicht mehr aus meiner Sammlung wegzudenken. Ich glaube es war der ZX81, den mein Freund und ich ebenda kauften, er hat viel dazu beigetragen. Ich erinnere mich noch, wie die Leute in Schlange vor dem Computergeschäft bis auf die Straße standen - alle wollten sie 300 DM dafür ausgeben.
Die Schallplatten von Lieutenant Pigeon habe ich mir gern gekauft, weil AFN Frankfurt damals den einzigen Chart-Hit Mouldy old Dough als Erkennungsmelodie wählte. Überhaupt habe ich gern die Soldatensender AFN und BFBS gehört. Das Musikprogramm unterschied sich total vom deutschen.
Randy Pie war ebenfalls mit obigem Spanien-Urlaub verknüpft. Deutscher Funk war damals in Deutschland ein Novum und hat mich von Anfang an fasziniert. Den Titel Highway Driver höre ich heute noch gerne.
Theo Vaness ist mir wegen seiner eingängigen stampfenden Discomusik quasi ins Ohr gelaufen. Theo Vaness setze ich noch höher ein, als die Erfolge von Donna Summer. Unverwechselbar ist zum Beispiel der Titel As long as its Love.
Jean-Michel Jarre war zunächst ein Mitläufer neben Tangerine Dream. Erst seine Equinox-Reihe fand ich genial.
Und wiederum ein Spanien-Urlaub ist verantwortlich, daß ich die Platten von Azul y Negro sammle. Ihr einziger Mega-Hit The Night lief damals in Spanien in den Radios rauf und runter.
Software war Anfang der 80er Jahre die Neuentdeckung in Sachen computergenerierter Musik. Zudem kam die Gruppe aus Bremen. Mein Bruder, selbst Fan von Jean-Michel Jarre, legte mir eines Tages eine CD von ihnen nahe.
Und schließlich Yello, quasi ein Muss in einer elektronischen Musiksammlung. Mit dem Triple Promo-Album On Track gipfelte die Sammlung schließlich in zahlreichen Mixen und Sondereditionen.
Gelistet sind u.a. die Artikel-Nummern der Platte und der Wert.
Alexander Square (112892 - 4,00 Euro)
Das Mädchen auf der Treppe (Tatort-Soundtrack, 104405 - 2,00 Euro)
Daydream (Tatort-Soundtrack, 105271 - 7,00 Euro)
Warsaw in the Sun (6.14154 - 7,00 Euro)
LPs und Maxis
'70 - '80 (4LP-Box, VBox 2 - 61,00 Euro)
Alpha Centauri (OMM 556012 - 56,00 Euro)
Alpha Centauri / Atem (2LP, 28990 - 11,00 Euro)
Atem (OMM 556031) - 76,00 Euro
Bicycle Race (Multi-Colour Vinyl, Live 1990, DTB-1106 - 50,00 Euro)
Bicycle Race (Blue Vinyl, Live 1990, DTB-1106 - 50,00 Euro)
Cyclone (25843 - 37,00 Euro)
Das Mädchen auf der Treppe (Tatort-Soundtrack, Maxi, 600651 - 20,00 Euro)
Destination Berlin (Soundtrack, 210440 - 51,00 Euro)
Die Medianen von Zymbiola (Live Seattle 1977, Nbrd. Ed. 35/50, auch bekannt unter The Emerald Beyond und Acoustic LSD, ART TWO? - 207,00 Euro)
Don't walk - Dream now (2LP, Nbrd. Ed. 99/200, in Metall-Box, Live 1978 Berlin, 4427-4430 - 50,00 Euro)
Dream Sequence (3LP, 302686 - 36,00 Euro)
Dr. Destructo (Promo, AS-11499 - 5,00 Euro)
Electronic Meditation (70051 - 10,00 Euro)
Encore (2LP, 25542 - 35,00 Euro)
Exit (203998 - 31,00 Euro)
Exit (Promo, mit Original-Fotos von Edgar Froese, Chris Franke und Johannes Schmoelling, dazu 9seitige Info von Asylum-Records in englischer Sprache, 5E-557 - 34,00 Euro)
Firestarter (Soundtrack, MCA-6131 - 18,00 Euro)
Flashpoint (Soundtrack, 064-2402381 - 10,00 Euro)
Flashpoint (Soundtrack, PictureLP, HMI PD 29 - 38,00 Euro)
Force Majeure (Clear Vinyl, Ltd. Ed., V 2111 - 42,00 Euro)
Green Desert (88561-8072-1 - 33,00 Euro)
Heartbreakers (Soundtrack, 207212 - 9,00 Euro)
Hyperborea (205801 - 30,00 Euro)
In the Beginning (6LP-Box mit Picture-Sleeves und Beilagen, Ltd. Ed. 5000, EMC 8066 - 73,00 Euro)
Janauar '80 (Poster-Cover, 855819-1 - 10,00 Euro)
Le Parc (6.26135 - 19,00 Euro)
Le Parc (EMC 8043, Promo - 120,00 Euro
Lily on the Beach (210103 - 33,00 Euro)
Live Bristol USA 1990 (PictureLP, auch bekannt unter Singet, denn der Gesang vertreibt die Wölfe, DTB-1106 - 50,00 Euro)
Livemiles (6.26825 - 27,00 Euro)
Logos - Live (205230 - 22,00 Euro)
Miracle Mile (Soundtrack, 210016 - 33,00 Euro)
Mysterious Semblance of the Strand of Nightmares (LR 303 - 50,00 Euro)
Near Dark (Soundtrack, STV 81345 - 24,00 Euro)
Optical Race (2042-1-P - 18,00 Euro)
Out of this World (2LP, IH 65, Clear Orange Vinyl, Nbrd. Ed. 3030/5000 - 21,00 Euro)
Pergamon (Live Ostberlin 1980, 207684 - 10,00 Euro)
Phaedra (87761 - 41,00 Euro)
Poland - The Warsaw Concert (2LP, 6.28638 - 30,00 Euro)
Poland - The Warsaw Concert (2 PictureLPs, HIP X 22 - 80,00 Euro)
Quichotte (Live Ost-Berlin 1980, 855819 - 5,00 Euro)
Rainer Werner Fassbinder Memorial Concert (Mini Clear Vinyl, Live 11.6.1983 Alte Oper Frankfurt am Main, 15228 - 30,00 Euro)
Ricochet (89679 - 36,00 Euro)
Rockoon (212440 - 10,00 Euro)
Rubycon (88754 - 43,00 Euro)
Run to Vegas (LR 306 - 50,00 Euro)
Shy People (Soundtrack, STV 81357 - 23,00 Euro)
Sorcerer (Soundtrack, MCA 62.085 - 73,00 Euro)
Space Trucking (Live Detroit 1980 and Newcastle 1981, Ltd. Ed. 150, TD 80 - 50,00 Euro)
Staatsgrenze West - Live 1980 Palast der Republik Ost-Berlin (TD 1-2, 16,00 Euro)
Staatsgrenze West (Pink Vinyl, Live 1980 Palast der Republik Ost-Berlin, Nbrd. Ed. 126/1000 - 50,00 Euro)
Stratosfear (28146 - 45,00 Euro)
Tangram (202169 - 17,00 Euro)
The Best of (2LP, NL 74298 - 10,00 Euro)
The Canyon Dreams (Multi Colour Vinyl, Col. 4711 - 83,00 Euro)
The Canyon Dreams (Clear Blue Vinyl, Col. 4711 - 83,00 Euro)
The Collection (2LP, CCSLP 161 - 8,00 Euro)
The Sessions II (2-LP, IHM 86, Purple Vinyl - 20,00 Euro)
Thief (Soundtrack, 203472 - 37,00 Euro)
Towards the Evening Star (Clear Green Vinyl, Remix von The Orb, WENT 1022 - 9,00 Euro)
Tyger (6.26475 - 8,00 Euro)
Underwater Sunlight (6.26377 - 8,00 Euro)
Undulation (Live Detroit 1980, Ltd. Ed. 150, auch bekannt als Soundtrack for Fantasy, DREAM - 50,00 Euro)
Warsaw in the Sun (Maxi, Clear Red Vinyl, 6.20382 - 54,00 Euro)
Wavelength (Soundtrack, STV 81207 - 37,00 Euro)
White Eagle (204563 - 31,00 Euro)
Zeit (2LP, 28987 - 41,00 Euro)
20th Century Serenades (Promo, Live 1987 Reichstag Berlin (TSD TCH 87 - 10,00 Euro)
220 Volt Live (MPCD 2804 - 5,00 Euro)
Alexander Square (Maxi, Soundtrack, 662892 - 33,00 Euro)
Antarktis (Promo, Live Berlin 1987 und Bristol 1990, Pinguin 001 - 10,00 Euro)
Ardem 'O' (Live USA 1988, Sira 30 - 10,00 Euro)
Atmospherics (EMPRCD 564 - 4,00 Euro)
Ballads (4CD-Set, mit Booklet, 232837 - 8,00 Euro)
Book of Dreams (2CD, EDF CD 353 - 6,00 Euro)
Catch me if you can (Soundtrack, CIN 2213-2 - 16,00 Euro)
Collected Endings (Live USA 1976 und 1988, Sira 31 - 10,00 Euro)
Cyclone/Force Majeure/Encore (3CD-Box, Ltd. Coll. Ed., TPAK 26 - 21,00 Euro)
Danger Live (Live Brüssel 1976 und Berlin, SSC-2114688 - 10,00 Euro)
Dream Music Vol. 1 (FILMCD 125 - 8,00 Euro)
Thief (Soundtrack, 203472 - 37,00 Euro)
Towards the Evening Star (Clear Green Vinyl, Remix von The Orb, WENT 1022 - 9,00 Euro)
Tyger (6.26475 - 8,00 Euro)
Underwater Sunlight (6.26377 - 8,00 Euro)
Undulation (Live Detroit 1980, Ltd. Ed. 150, auch bekannt als Soundtrack for Fantasy, DREAM - 50,00 Euro)
Warsaw in the Sun (Maxi, Clear Red Vinyl, 6.20382 - 54,00 Euro)
Wavelength (Soundtrack, STV 81207 - 37,00 Euro)
White Eagle (204563 - 31,00 Euro)
Zeit (2LP, 28987 - 41,00 Euro)
20th Century Serenades (Promo, Live 1987 Reichstag Berlin (TSD TCH 87 - 10,00 Euro)
220 Volt Live (MPCD 2804 - 5,00 Euro)
Alexander Square (Maxi, Soundtrack, 662892 - 33,00 Euro)
Antarktis (Promo, Live Berlin 1987 und Bristol 1990, Pinguin 001 - 10,00 Euro)
Ardem 'O' (Live USA 1988, Sira 30 - 10,00 Euro)
Atmospherics (EMPRCD 564 - 4,00 Euro)
Ballads (4CD-Set, mit Booklet, 232837 - 8,00 Euro)
Book of Dreams (2CD, EDF CD 353 - 6,00 Euro)
Catch me if you can (Soundtrack, CIN 2213-2 - 16,00 Euro)
Collected Endings (Live USA 1976 und 1988, Sira 31 - 10,00 Euro)
Cyclone/Force Majeure/Encore (3CD-Box, Ltd. Coll. Ed., TPAK 26 - 21,00 Euro)
Danger Live (Live Brüssel 1976 und Berlin, SSC-2114688 - 10,00 Euro)
Dream Music Vol. 1 (FILMCD 125 - 8,00 Euro)
Dream Music Vol. 2 (SSD 1053 - 5,00 Euro)
Dreaming (Live Sydney 1982, auch bekannt unter Leprous Appearance on Wednesday, TDCD 0193 - 11,00 Euro)
Dreaming on Danforth Avenue (Live Toronto 1992, BM 3 - 10,00 Euro)
Dreamtime (MaxiCD, Ltd. Ed., MPCD 2805 - 4,00 Euro)
Exit (cdv 2212 - 5,00 Euro)
From Dawn 'til Dusk (MPCD 034 - 5,00 Euro)
Goblins Club (WEN CD 011 - 5,00 Euro)
Green Desert (CMR CD 633 - 4,00 Euro)
In den Gärten Pharaos/Bycicle Race (90116 - 10,00 Euro)
Legend (Soundtrack, VSD-5645 - 29,00 Euro)
Live! Improvised! (2CD, Live Reims 1974, Oh Boy 2-9159 - 10,00 Euro)
Livemiles (8.26825 ZP - 5,00 Euro)
Melrose (261105 - 5,00 Euro)
Mysterious Semblance of the Strand of Nightmares (LR 303 CD - 10,00 Euro)
Mystery Tracks (FLASH 1 - 18,00 Euro)
Oranges from France (CD-ROM, Live 1975 - 5,00 Euro)
Patrolling Space Borders (Live Montreal 1977, Ltd. Ed., SSG-7869964 - 10,00 Euro)
Rätikon (Special Ed. TD-Fan Club, Live Melbourne 1982, TSD MEL-0086 - 10,00 Euro)
Run to Vegas (LR 306 CD - 10,00 Euro)
Sol et Luna (Mystery Tracks 2, FLSH 2 - 10,00 Euro)
Sonambulistic Imagery (2CD, Live Laguna Hills USA 1986, BM 5/6 - 12,00 Euro)
Sound and Effects (Live New York, ACS 012 - 10,00 Euro)
T Collection (Special Gold CD Edition, The Best of/Poland/Tyger, K 001 - 10,00 Euro)
Tangents 1973 - 1983 (5CD-Box mit Booklet, CDBOX 4 - 23,00 Euro)
Tangents 1973 - 1983 (Promo-Sampler, DPRO-14221 - 13,00 Euro)
The Collection (CCSCD 161 - 5,00 Euro)
The Dream Mixes (2CD, TDI 001 CD - 6,00 Euro)
The Dream Roots Collection (5CD-BOX mit Booklet, ESFCD 420 - 37,00 Euro)
The Electronic Journey (10 CDs-Set, 233086 - 12,00 Euro)
The Emerald Beyond (Ltd. Ed. 500, auch bekannt unter Acoustic LSD, CA 26893 - 10,00 Euro)
The Keep (Soundtrack, BMCD 12 - 10,00 Euro)
The Park is mine (Soundtrack, SSD 1004 - 18,00 Euro)
The Private Music of (82105 - 2,00 Euro)
The Story of (2CD, 74321 11709 - 7,00 Euro)
Three o'Clock High (Soundtrack, VCD 47307 - 5,00 Euro)
Tournado (TDI 008 CD - 3,00 Euro)
Transsibiria (Soundtrack, TDI CD 012 - 10,00 Euro)
Traumzeit (2CD, Labels vertauscht - 10,00 Euro)
Turn of the Tides (8394542 - 6,00 Euro)
Tyranny of the Beauty (840275 - 5,00 Euro)
Undulation (Soundtrack for Fantasy, Live Detroit, CA 26894 - 10,00 Euro)
Zoning (Soundtrack, REP 4595-WY - 5,00 Euro)
Edgar Froese
Ages (2LP, Labels doppelt auf LP 1, 25756 - 52,00 Euro)
Aqua (60.404 - 24,00 Euro)
Aqua (brain 1053 - 51,00 Euro
Electronic Dreams (40.148 - 29,00 Euro)
Kamikaze 1989 (Soundtrack, 204864 - 19,00 Euro)
Macula Transfer (60.008 - 56,00 Euro)
Pinnacles (205594 - 27,00 Euro)
Solo 1974 - 1979 (204574 - 8,00 Euro)
Stuntman (201036 - 33,00 Euro)
Beyond the Storm (AMBT 5 - 8,00 Euro)
Epsilon in Malaysian Pale (CDV 2040 - 39,00 Euro)
Zu Gast im DLF (55 Min., Live Aufnahme vom 20.8.1994)
Force Majeure - The Autobiography of TD, 394 Seiten, Erste Ausgabe 2017 (70,00 Euro)
Voices in the Dunes - The Discography of Tangerine Dream, 464 Seiten, Erste Ausgabe von 1991 = 50,00 Euro
Revolution of Sound - 86 Min. (15,00 Euro)
Silvermachine (UA 35381 - 3,00 Euro)
LPs und Maxis
Alien 4 (2LP, Ltd. Ed. 3000, EBSLP 118 - 90,00 Euro)
All aboard the Skylark (BRED 782 - 23,00 Euro)
Anthology Vol. 1-3 (3 PictureLPs, SAMR 038/039/040 PD - 133,00 Euro)
Area S4 (Maxi, 33 U/Min., Nbrd. Ed. 2000, EBT 107 - 15,00 Euro)
Assassins of Allah (Nbrd. Ed. 216/300, HWD 3 - 50,00 Euro)
Astounding Sounds (CDS 4004 - 38,00 Euro)
Bring me the Head of Yuri Gagarin (DM 002 - 38,00 Euro)
Choose your Masques (PL 25440 - 40,00 Euro)
Church of (2LP, Clear Vinyl, RCV 130 LP - 30,00 Euro)
Decide your Future (Maxi, Ltd. Ed., 4R2T - 9,00 Euro)
Doremi Fasol Latido (UAG 29364 - 84,00 Euro)
Electric Tepee (2LP, Nbrd. Ed. 3347/5000, ESDLP 181 - 37,00 Euro)
Future Reconstructions, Ritual of the Solstice (2LP, EBSLP 117, Poster-Cover - 50,00 Euro)
Hall of the Mountain Grill (UAS 29672 - 42,00 Euro)
Dreaming (Live Sydney 1982, auch bekannt unter Leprous Appearance on Wednesday, TDCD 0193 - 11,00 Euro)
Dreaming on Danforth Avenue (Live Toronto 1992, BM 3 - 10,00 Euro)
Dreamtime (MaxiCD, Ltd. Ed., MPCD 2805 - 4,00 Euro)
Exit (cdv 2212 - 5,00 Euro)
From Dawn 'til Dusk (MPCD 034 - 5,00 Euro)
Goblins Club (WEN CD 011 - 5,00 Euro)
Green Desert (CMR CD 633 - 4,00 Euro)
In den Gärten Pharaos/Bycicle Race (90116 - 10,00 Euro)
Legend (Soundtrack, VSD-5645 - 29,00 Euro)
Live! Improvised! (2CD, Live Reims 1974, Oh Boy 2-9159 - 10,00 Euro)
Livemiles (8.26825 ZP - 5,00 Euro)
Melrose (261105 - 5,00 Euro)
Mysterious Semblance of the Strand of Nightmares (LR 303 CD - 10,00 Euro)
Mystery Tracks (FLASH 1 - 18,00 Euro)
Oranges from France (CD-ROM, Live 1975 - 5,00 Euro)
Patrolling Space Borders (Live Montreal 1977, Ltd. Ed., SSG-7869964 - 10,00 Euro)
Rätikon (Special Ed. TD-Fan Club, Live Melbourne 1982, TSD MEL-0086 - 10,00 Euro)
Run to Vegas (LR 306 CD - 10,00 Euro)
Sol et Luna (Mystery Tracks 2, FLSH 2 - 10,00 Euro)
Sonambulistic Imagery (2CD, Live Laguna Hills USA 1986, BM 5/6 - 12,00 Euro)
Sound and Effects (Live New York, ACS 012 - 10,00 Euro)
T Collection (Special Gold CD Edition, The Best of/Poland/Tyger, K 001 - 10,00 Euro)
Tangents 1973 - 1983 (5CD-Box mit Booklet, CDBOX 4 - 23,00 Euro)
Tangents 1973 - 1983 (Promo-Sampler, DPRO-14221 - 13,00 Euro)
The Collection (CCSCD 161 - 5,00 Euro)
The Dream Mixes (2CD, TDI 001 CD - 6,00 Euro)
The Dream Roots Collection (5CD-BOX mit Booklet, ESFCD 420 - 37,00 Euro)
The Electronic Journey (10 CDs-Set, 233086 - 12,00 Euro)
The Emerald Beyond (Ltd. Ed. 500, auch bekannt unter Acoustic LSD, CA 26893 - 10,00 Euro)
The Keep (Soundtrack, BMCD 12 - 10,00 Euro)
The Park is mine (Soundtrack, SSD 1004 - 18,00 Euro)
The Private Music of (82105 - 2,00 Euro)
The Story of (2CD, 74321 11709 - 7,00 Euro)
Three o'Clock High (Soundtrack, VCD 47307 - 5,00 Euro)
Tournado (TDI 008 CD - 3,00 Euro)
Transsibiria (Soundtrack, TDI CD 012 - 10,00 Euro)
Traumzeit (2CD, Labels vertauscht - 10,00 Euro)
Turn of the Tides (8394542 - 6,00 Euro)
Tyranny of the Beauty (840275 - 5,00 Euro)
Undulation (Soundtrack for Fantasy, Live Detroit, CA 26894 - 10,00 Euro)
Zoning (Soundtrack, REP 4595-WY - 5,00 Euro)
Edgar Froese
Ages (2LP, Labels doppelt auf LP 1, 25756 - 52,00 Euro)
Aqua (60.404 - 24,00 Euro)
Aqua (brain 1053 - 51,00 Euro
Electronic Dreams (40.148 - 29,00 Euro)
Kamikaze 1989 (Soundtrack, 204864 - 19,00 Euro)
Macula Transfer (60.008 - 56,00 Euro)
Pinnacles (205594 - 27,00 Euro)
Solo 1974 - 1979 (204574 - 8,00 Euro)
Stuntman (201036 - 33,00 Euro)
Beyond the Storm (AMBT 5 - 8,00 Euro)
Epsilon in Malaysian Pale (CDV 2040 - 39,00 Euro)
Zu Gast im DLF (55 Min., Live Aufnahme vom 20.8.1994)
Force Majeure - The Autobiography of TD, 394 Seiten, Erste Ausgabe 2017 (70,00 Euro)
Voices in the Dunes - The Discography of Tangerine Dream, 464 Seiten, Erste Ausgabe von 1991 = 50,00 Euro
Revolution of Sound - 86 Min. (15,00 Euro)
Silvermachine (UA 35381 - 3,00 Euro)
LPs und Maxis
Alien 4 (2LP, Ltd. Ed. 3000, EBSLP 118 - 90,00 Euro)
All aboard the Skylark (BRED 782 - 23,00 Euro)
Anthology Vol. 1-3 (3 PictureLPs, SAMR 038/039/040 PD - 133,00 Euro)
Area S4 (Maxi, 33 U/Min., Nbrd. Ed. 2000, EBT 107 - 15,00 Euro)
Assassins of Allah (Nbrd. Ed. 216/300, HWD 3 - 50,00 Euro)
Astounding Sounds (CDS 4004 - 38,00 Euro)
Bring me the Head of Yuri Gagarin (DM 002 - 38,00 Euro)
Choose your Masques (PL 25440 - 40,00 Euro)
Church of (2LP, Clear Vinyl, RCV 130 LP - 30,00 Euro)
Decide your Future (Maxi, Ltd. Ed., 4R2T - 9,00 Euro)
Doremi Fasol Latido (UAG 29364 - 84,00 Euro)
Electric Tepee (2LP, Nbrd. Ed. 3347/5000, ESDLP 181 - 37,00 Euro)
Future Reconstructions, Ritual of the Solstice (2LP, EBSLP 117, Poster-Cover - 50,00 Euro)
Hall of the Mountain Grill (UAS 29672 - 42,00 Euro)
Hawkwind (LBS 83348 I - 136,00 Euro)
Hawkwind (SLS 1972921 - 21,00 Euro)
Hawkwind (PictureLP, Ltd. Ed., SLSP 1972921 - 56,00 Euro)
Hawkwind Zoo (Maxi, FLEP 100 - 8,00 Euro)
In Search of Space (FA 3192 - 14,00 Euro)
Independant Days (MiniLP, X SHARP 019 - 44,00 Euro)
Independant Days Vol. 2 (SHARP 036 - 20,00 Euro)
It is the Business of the Future to be dangerous (2LP, Ltd. Ed. 3000, ESDLP 196 - 49,00 Euro)
Levitation (202997 - 18,00 Euro)
Live '70/'73 (DOJO LP 11 - 20,00 Euro)
Live '79 (202553 - 21,00 Euro)
Live at Stonehenge Free Festival 22.6.1983, (RTV 12024 - 35,00 Euro)
Love in Space (2LP, EBSLP 120 - 34,00 Euro)
Motorhead (Maxi, FLSEP 205 - 56,00 Euro)
Night of the Hawk (POW 5502 - 21,00 Euro)
Out and Intake (SHARP 040 - 33,00 Euro)
P.X.R.5 (CDS 4016 - 42,00 Euro)
Palace Springs (RR 9303 - 18,00 Euro)
Quark, Strangeness and Charm (9124012 - 55,00 Euro)
Quark, Strangeness and Charm (Maxi, EBT 110 - 12,00 Euro)
Repeat Performance (6302080 - 27,00 Euro)
Roadhawks (0381575661 - 10,00 Euro)
Hawkwind (SLS 1972921 - 21,00 Euro)
Hawkwind (PictureLP, Ltd. Ed., SLSP 1972921 - 56,00 Euro)
Hawkwind Zoo (Maxi, FLEP 100 - 8,00 Euro)
In Search of Space (FA 3192 - 14,00 Euro)
Independant Days (MiniLP, X SHARP 019 - 44,00 Euro)
Independant Days Vol. 2 (SHARP 036 - 20,00 Euro)
It is the Business of the Future to be dangerous (2LP, Ltd. Ed. 3000, ESDLP 196 - 49,00 Euro)
Levitation (202997 - 18,00 Euro)
Live '70/'73 (DOJO LP 11 - 20,00 Euro)
Live '79 (202553 - 21,00 Euro)
Live at Stonehenge Free Festival 22.6.1983, (RTV 12024 - 35,00 Euro)
Love in Space (2LP, EBSLP 120 - 34,00 Euro)
Motorhead (Maxi, FLSEP 205 - 56,00 Euro)
Night of the Hawk (POW 5502 - 21,00 Euro)
Out and Intake (SHARP 040 - 33,00 Euro)
P.X.R.5 (CDS 4016 - 42,00 Euro)
Palace Springs (RR 9303 - 18,00 Euro)
Quark, Strangeness and Charm (9124012 - 55,00 Euro)
Quark, Strangeness and Charm (Maxi, EBT 110 - 12,00 Euro)
Repeat Performance (6302080 - 27,00 Euro)
Roadhawks (0381575661 - 10,00 Euro)
Somnia (BRED 845 - 19,00 Euro)
Sonic Attack (PL 25380 - 25,00 Euro)
Sonic Attack (2LP, Blue Vinyl, RCV 104 LP - 34,00 Euro)
Space Ritual (2LP, LA 120-H-0798 - 18,00 Euro)
The Business Trip (2LP, Clear Vinyl, Live, Ltd. Ed., EBSLP 111 - 56,00 Euro)
The Chronicle of the Black Sword (Flicknife 033 - 44,00 Euro)
The Cyberspace Conspiracy (Live at Nottingham City 18.5.1990, Nbrd. Ed. 96/250, L-42675 - 60,00 Euro)
The Golden Void (Live at Glasgow Apollo 1982, Ltd. Ed. 1000, HWD 1 - 61,00 Euro)
The Text of Festival (2LP, THBL 2.068 - 30,00 Euro)
The Text of Festival (2LP, LETV 023 LP, Purple Vinyl - 36,00 Euro)
The Xenon Codex (GWLP 26 - 21,00 Euro)
Undisclosed Files (56,00 Euro)
Utopia 1984 (SKULL 8369 - 48,00 Euro)
Welcome to the Future (SKULL 83103 - 40,00 Euro)
Zones (SHARP 014 - 40,00 Euro)
Anthology (3CD-BOX mit Booklet, ESBCD 168 - 22,00 Euro)
BBC Radio One - Live in Concert (WINCD 007 - 5,00 Euro)
British Tribal Music (STFCD 2 - 6,00 Euro)
California Brainstorm (ILCD 1014 - 9,00 Euro)
Castle Masters Collection (CMC 3002 - 5,00 Euro)
Distant Horizons (EBSCD 139 - 5,00 Euro)
Doremi Fasol Latido (TOCP-7362 - 7,00 Euro)
Electric Tepee (ESSCD 181 - 6,00 Euro)
In the Beginning (CDCD 1131 - 14,00 Euro)
It's the Business of the Future to be dangerous (ESSCD 196 - 10,00 Euro)
Kings of Speed, Lords of Light (Live Detroit 18.5.1991, DURECO HW-091 - 7,00 Euro)
Live (imt CD 100.075 - 10,00 Euro)
Sonic Attack (PL 25380 - 25,00 Euro)
Sonic Attack (2LP, Blue Vinyl, RCV 104 LP - 34,00 Euro)
Space Ritual (2LP, LA 120-H-0798 - 18,00 Euro)
The Business Trip (2LP, Clear Vinyl, Live, Ltd. Ed., EBSLP 111 - 56,00 Euro)
The Chronicle of the Black Sword (Flicknife 033 - 44,00 Euro)
The Cyberspace Conspiracy (Live at Nottingham City 18.5.1990, Nbrd. Ed. 96/250, L-42675 - 60,00 Euro)
The Golden Void (Live at Glasgow Apollo 1982, Ltd. Ed. 1000, HWD 1 - 61,00 Euro)
The Text of Festival (2LP, THBL 2.068 - 30,00 Euro)
The Text of Festival (2LP, LETV 023 LP, Purple Vinyl - 36,00 Euro)
The Xenon Codex (GWLP 26 - 21,00 Euro)
Undisclosed Files (56,00 Euro)
Utopia 1984 (SKULL 8369 - 48,00 Euro)
Welcome to the Future (SKULL 83103 - 40,00 Euro)
Zones (SHARP 014 - 40,00 Euro)
Anthology (3CD-BOX mit Booklet, ESBCD 168 - 22,00 Euro)
BBC Radio One - Live in Concert (WINCD 007 - 5,00 Euro)
British Tribal Music (STFCD 2 - 6,00 Euro)
California Brainstorm (ILCD 1014 - 9,00 Euro)
Castle Masters Collection (CMC 3002 - 5,00 Euro)
Distant Horizons (EBSCD 139 - 5,00 Euro)
Doremi Fasol Latido (TOCP-7362 - 7,00 Euro)
Electric Tepee (ESSCD 181 - 6,00 Euro)
In the Beginning (CDCD 1131 - 14,00 Euro)
It's the Business of the Future to be dangerous (ESSCD 196 - 10,00 Euro)
Kings of Speed, Lords of Light (Live Detroit 18.5.1991, DURECO HW-091 - 7,00 Euro)
Live (imt CD 100.075 - 10,00 Euro)
Live Chronicles (CCSCD 321 - 6,00 Euro)
Live in Space (Ltd. Ed. 2000, mit Booklet, SCONC.019 - 75,00 Euro)
Live St. Albans 1979 (WAKCD 79 - 17,00 Euro)
Masters of the Universe (CD-FA 3220 - 5,00 Euro)
Mighty Hawkwind Classics 1980 - 1985 (CDM GRAM 53 - 15,00 Euro)
Orgasmatron (CARGO CD 22 - 17,00 Euro)
Psychedelic Warlords (The Best of, Ltd. Ed., mit Stofftasche, Button und Foto, CLEO 57412 - 20,00 Euro)
Quark, Strangeness and Charm (Maxi, EBCD 110 - 8,00 Euro)
Road to Utopia (CDBRED 730 - 5,00 Euro)
Rock City (Live 16.11.1983, Ltd. Ed. 500, WAHCD 613 - 10,00 Euro)
Sonic Boom Killers (REP 4676-WY - 12,00 Euro)
Space Bandits (RR 9347 - 3,00 Euro)
Space Rock from London (Live Dream Machine London 14.10.1972, GENSCH 1002 CD - 24,00 Euro)
Stasis, The U.A. Years 1971 - 1975 (CDP 7466942 - 7,00 Euro)
The "1999" Party (2CD, Live Chicago 1974, 833333-2 - 16,00 Euro)
The Best of & the Rest of (CDAR 1018 - 2,00 Euro)
The Friday Rock Show Sessions (FRSCD 005 - 7,00 Euro)
The Xenon Codex (TECP-25663 - 11,00 Euro)
Warrior on the Edge of Time (Ltd. Ed. Box-Set mit Discographie, 554213931-2 - 39,00 Euro)
Zones (CDM GRAM 57 - 7,00 Euro)
Live St. Albans 1979 (WAKCD 79 - 17,00 Euro)
Masters of the Universe (CD-FA 3220 - 5,00 Euro)
Mighty Hawkwind Classics 1980 - 1985 (CDM GRAM 53 - 15,00 Euro)
Orgasmatron (CARGO CD 22 - 17,00 Euro)
Psychedelic Warlords (The Best of, Ltd. Ed., mit Stofftasche, Button und Foto, CLEO 57412 - 20,00 Euro)
Quark, Strangeness and Charm (Maxi, EBCD 110 - 8,00 Euro)
Road to Utopia (CDBRED 730 - 5,00 Euro)
Rock City (Live 16.11.1983, Ltd. Ed. 500, WAHCD 613 - 10,00 Euro)
Sonic Boom Killers (REP 4676-WY - 12,00 Euro)
Space Bandits (RR 9347 - 3,00 Euro)
Space Rock from London (Live Dream Machine London 14.10.1972, GENSCH 1002 CD - 24,00 Euro)
Stasis, The U.A. Years 1971 - 1975 (CDP 7466942 - 7,00 Euro)
The "1999" Party (2CD, Live Chicago 1974, 833333-2 - 16,00 Euro)
The Best of & the Rest of (CDAR 1018 - 2,00 Euro)
The Friday Rock Show Sessions (FRSCD 005 - 7,00 Euro)
The Xenon Codex (TECP-25663 - 11,00 Euro)
Warrior on the Edge of Time (Ltd. Ed. Box-Set mit Discographie, 554213931-2 - 39,00 Euro)
Zones (CDM GRAM 57 - 7,00 Euro)
14 Rock Hard Hits (ISTCD 004 - 7,00 Euro)
Mirror Image (Promo, IC 72/73 - 5,00 Euro)
Chip Meditation 1 (KS 80.050 - 15,00 Euro)
Digital Dance (PictureLP, Ltd. Ed. 999, mit SF-Story Digital Dance von H.W. Franke, IC 80.071 - 34,00 Euro)
Electronic Universe (2LP, KS 80.055/56 - 18,00 Euro)
Electronic Universe 2 (IC 80.075 - 11,00 Euro)
Electronic Universe 2 (PictureLP, IC 80.075 - 24,00 Euro)
Past - Present - Future (IC 80.060/61 - 25,00 Euro)
Syn-Code (Live in Concert, IC 80.064 - 32,00 Euro)
Brain Food Music (IC 100.103 - 2,00 Euro)
Cave (IC 2195-2 - 4,00 Euro)
Chip Meditation 1 (KS 80.050 - 7,00 Euro)
Electronic Universe 2 (mit Hologramm, Ltd. Ed. 999, IC 710.075 - 5,00 Euro)
Fire-Works (872308-2 - 17,00 Euro)
Fragrance (IC 710.092 - 4,00 Euro)
Heaven to Hell (Ltd. Ed. 1000, 24 ct. Gold CD, mit original Autogramm Peter Mergener, IC 2240-2 - 18,00 Euro)
Live in Concert (IC 710.084 - 5,00 Euro)
Modesty Blaze (IC 710.138 - 4,00 Euro)
Modesty Blaze (Maxi, Autumn Mix, IC 05/138-2 - 15,00 Euro)
Modesty Blaze 2 (IC 720.161 - 4,00 Euro)
Mystic Millenium Vol. 1 (IC 872342-2 - 7,00 Euro)
Ocean (IC 710.088 - 2,00 Euro)
Sky-Dive (BFM 874022-2 - 11,50 Euro)
Space Design (Maxi, Remix, IC 2193-2 - 10,00 Euro)
Syn-Code Live (mit Autogramm und numeriertem Booklet 27/777, IC 710.064 - 10,00 Euro)
Ten Years (Ltd. Ed. 3333, IC 2220-2 - 11,00 Euro)
X-Static "Software SystemCrash" (IC 2236-2 - 5,00 Euro)
nUmixxx - Software as Hardware (Remix vom Album Heaven to Hell, 24 ct. Gold CD mit original Computer Chip, Ltd. Ed. 2000, IC 2230-2 - 30,00 Euro)
Peter Mergener / Michael Weisser
Beam-Scape (KS 80.046 - 25,00 Euro)
Night-Light (KS 80.058 - 27,00 Euro)
Phancyful-Fire (KS 80.053 - 44,00 Euro)
Selected Picture Music (PALM 29013 - 23,00 Euro)
Michael Weisser
Interview mit Klaus Schulze - Der deutsche E-Musiker (Ltd. Ed. 2000, 0421-347466 = das war mal die Telefon-Nr. des Labels in Bremen - 20,00 Euro)
Welt-Oceane (MaxiCD, NEM 3014-2 -9,00 Euro)
Rainbow (SPV 01-4806 - 7,00 Euro)
Sensations (SPV 01-4804 - 16,00 Euro)
Sihouette (006-46046 - 18,00 Euro)
Wings of Vision (006-46158 - 3,00 Euro)
LPs und Maxis
Codename Wildgeese (Soundtrack, MIL CH 014 - 9,00 Euro)
Colours (0381575331 - 16,00 Euro)
Dawn (064-31787 - 28,00 Euro)
Mirror Image (Promo, IC 72/73 - 5,00 Euro)
Chip Meditation 1 (KS 80.050 - 15,00 Euro)
Digital Dance (PictureLP, Ltd. Ed. 999, mit SF-Story Digital Dance von H.W. Franke, IC 80.071 - 34,00 Euro)
Electronic Universe (2LP, KS 80.055/56 - 18,00 Euro)
Electronic Universe 2 (IC 80.075 - 11,00 Euro)
Electronic Universe 2 (PictureLP, IC 80.075 - 24,00 Euro)
Past - Present - Future (IC 80.060/61 - 25,00 Euro)
Syn-Code (Live in Concert, IC 80.064 - 32,00 Euro)
Brain Food Music (IC 100.103 - 2,00 Euro)
Cave (IC 2195-2 - 4,00 Euro)
Chip Meditation 1 (KS 80.050 - 7,00 Euro)
Electronic Universe 2 (mit Hologramm, Ltd. Ed. 999, IC 710.075 - 5,00 Euro)
Fire-Works (872308-2 - 17,00 Euro)
Fragrance (IC 710.092 - 4,00 Euro)
Heaven to Hell (Ltd. Ed. 1000, 24 ct. Gold CD, mit original Autogramm Peter Mergener, IC 2240-2 - 18,00 Euro)
Live in Concert (IC 710.084 - 5,00 Euro)
Modesty Blaze (IC 710.138 - 4,00 Euro)
Modesty Blaze (Maxi, Autumn Mix, IC 05/138-2 - 15,00 Euro)
Modesty Blaze 2 (IC 720.161 - 4,00 Euro)
Mystic Millenium Vol. 1 (IC 872342-2 - 7,00 Euro)
Ocean (IC 710.088 - 2,00 Euro)
Sky-Dive (BFM 874022-2 - 11,50 Euro)
Space Design (Maxi, Remix, IC 2193-2 - 10,00 Euro)
Syn-Code Live (mit Autogramm und numeriertem Booklet 27/777, IC 710.064 - 10,00 Euro)
Ten Years (Ltd. Ed. 3333, IC 2220-2 - 11,00 Euro)
X-Static "Software SystemCrash" (IC 2236-2 - 5,00 Euro)
nUmixxx - Software as Hardware (Remix vom Album Heaven to Hell, 24 ct. Gold CD mit original Computer Chip, Ltd. Ed. 2000, IC 2230-2 - 30,00 Euro)
Peter Mergener / Michael Weisser
Beam-Scape (KS 80.046 - 25,00 Euro)
Night-Light (KS 80.058 - 27,00 Euro)
Phancyful-Fire (KS 80.053 - 44,00 Euro)
Selected Picture Music (PALM 29013 - 23,00 Euro)
Michael Weisser
Interview mit Klaus Schulze - Der deutsche E-Musiker (Ltd. Ed. 2000, 0421-347466 = das war mal die Telefon-Nr. des Labels in Bremen - 20,00 Euro)
Welt-Oceane (MaxiCD, NEM 3014-2 -9,00 Euro)
Rainbow (SPV 01-4806 - 7,00 Euro)
Sensations (SPV 01-4804 - 16,00 Euro)
Sihouette (006-46046 - 18,00 Euro)
Wings of Vision (006-46158 - 3,00 Euro)
LPs und Maxis
Codename Wildgeese (Soundtrack, MIL CH 014 - 9,00 Euro)
Colours (0381575331 - 16,00 Euro)
Dawn (064-31787 - 28,00 Euro)
Echoes from the Past (Blue Vinyl, Ltd. Ed., DRAK 2961 - 34,00 Euro)
Floating (064-29521 - 33,00 Euro)
Inside (062-29479 - 38,00 Euro)
Live (2LP, 06432943/35 - 23,00 Euro)
Metromania (0661496451 - 22,00 Euro)
Metromania (PictureLP, HMI PD 21 - 58,00 Euro)
Ocean (0381575261 - 11,00 Euro)
Performance (064-46714 - 16,00 Euro)
Performance (PictureLP, HMI PD 12 - 41,00 Euro)
Planets (064-46483 - 16,00 Euro)
Planets (PictureLP, HMI PD 1 - 54,00 Euro)
Power and the Passion (072-29602 - 24,00 Euro)
Ra (SPV 06-4800 - 22,00 Euro)
Silent Cries and mighty Echoes (064-45269 - 22,00 Euro)
Time to turn (064-46548 - 23,00 Euro)
Time to turn (Maxi, 052-46583 - 17,00 Euro)
Time to turn (PictureLP, HMI PD 3 - 48,00 Euro)
"?" (Call of the Wild, Promo, MaxiCD, SPV BEL-1 - 2,00 Euro)
Childhood Memories (MaxiCD, SPV 055-48213 - 3,00 Euro)
Chronicles 1 (SPV 081-18182 - 14,00 Euro)
Chronicles 2 (SPV 084-48192 - 14,00 Euro)
Destination (SPV 084-48082 - 15,00 Euro)
Destination (Promo, SPV 084-48082 - 10,00 Euro)
Eloy (Mülltonnen-Cover, 838821-2 - 30,00 Euro)
Fire and Ice (MaxiCD, SPV 48093 - 6,00 Euro)
Ocean 2 - The Answer (612592 - 9,00 Euro)
Performance (CDP 538-792501 - 7,00 Euro)
Ra (Ltd. Ed. 600, CD MS 1058 - 24,00 Euro)
Rarities (538-7967212 - 11,00 Euro)
Silent Cries and mighty Echoes (CDP 538-792021 - 6,00 Euro)
The Best of - The Early Days 1972 - 1975, Vol. 1 (8281162 - 3,00 Euro)
The Best of - The Prime 1976 - 1979, Vol. 2 (8370452 - 9,00 Euro)
The Tides return forever (SPV 084-48202 - 14,00 Euro)
The Tides return forever (Promo, MaxiCD, SPV 084-48202-P - 5,00 Euro)
Blazing Saddles (874928-7 - 4,00 Euro)
Call it Love (888311-7 - 3,00 Euro)
Desire (880895-7 - 2,00 Euro)
Goldrush (884877-1 - 3,00 Euro)
I love you (812150-7 - 3,00 Euro)
Jungle Bill (864438-7 - 5,00 Euro)
Lost again (814611-7 - 4,00 Euro)
Of course I'm lying (YELLO 3 - 2,00 Euro)
The Race (870330-7 - 3,00 Euro)
The Rhythm Devine (888746-7 - 3,00 Euro)
Tied up (872366-7 - 3,00 Euro)
Vicious Games (880574-7 - 3,00 Euro)
LPs und Maxis
Floating (064-29521 - 33,00 Euro)
Inside (062-29479 - 38,00 Euro)
Live (2LP, 06432943/35 - 23,00 Euro)
Metromania (0661496451 - 22,00 Euro)
Metromania (PictureLP, HMI PD 21 - 58,00 Euro)
Ocean (0381575261 - 11,00 Euro)
Performance (064-46714 - 16,00 Euro)
Performance (PictureLP, HMI PD 12 - 41,00 Euro)
Planets (064-46483 - 16,00 Euro)
Planets (PictureLP, HMI PD 1 - 54,00 Euro)
Power and the Passion (072-29602 - 24,00 Euro)
Ra (SPV 06-4800 - 22,00 Euro)
Silent Cries and mighty Echoes (064-45269 - 22,00 Euro)
Time to turn (064-46548 - 23,00 Euro)
Time to turn (Maxi, 052-46583 - 17,00 Euro)
Time to turn (PictureLP, HMI PD 3 - 48,00 Euro)
"?" (Call of the Wild, Promo, MaxiCD, SPV BEL-1 - 2,00 Euro)
Childhood Memories (MaxiCD, SPV 055-48213 - 3,00 Euro)
Chronicles 1 (SPV 081-18182 - 14,00 Euro)
Chronicles 2 (SPV 084-48192 - 14,00 Euro)
Destination (SPV 084-48082 - 15,00 Euro)
Destination (Promo, SPV 084-48082 - 10,00 Euro)
Eloy (Mülltonnen-Cover, 838821-2 - 30,00 Euro)
Fire and Ice (MaxiCD, SPV 48093 - 6,00 Euro)
Ocean 2 - The Answer (612592 - 9,00 Euro)
Performance (CDP 538-792501 - 7,00 Euro)
Ra (Ltd. Ed. 600, CD MS 1058 - 24,00 Euro)
Rarities (538-7967212 - 11,00 Euro)
Silent Cries and mighty Echoes (CDP 538-792021 - 6,00 Euro)
The Best of - The Early Days 1972 - 1975, Vol. 1 (8281162 - 3,00 Euro)
The Best of - The Prime 1976 - 1979, Vol. 2 (8370452 - 9,00 Euro)
The Tides return forever (SPV 084-48202 - 14,00 Euro)
The Tides return forever (Promo, MaxiCD, SPV 084-48202-P - 5,00 Euro)
Blazing Saddles (874928-7 - 4,00 Euro)
Call it Love (888311-7 - 3,00 Euro)
Desire (880895-7 - 2,00 Euro)
Goldrush (884877-1 - 3,00 Euro)
I love you (812150-7 - 3,00 Euro)
Jungle Bill (864438-7 - 5,00 Euro)
Lost again (814611-7 - 4,00 Euro)
Of course I'm lying (YELLO 3 - 2,00 Euro)
The Race (870330-7 - 3,00 Euro)
The Rhythm Devine (888746-7 - 3,00 Euro)
Tied up (872366-7 - 3,00 Euro)
Vicious Games (880574-7 - 3,00 Euro)
LPs und Maxis
'80 - '85, The new Mix in one Go (2LP, 826773-1 - 5,00 Euro)
Baby (848791-1 - 5,00 Euro)
Baby (848791-1 - 5,00 Euro)
Bostich - 40 Years (Mini-LP, Nbrd. Ed. 1144/2020, Pink Vinyl, 04019589050319 - 40,00)
Call it Love (Maxi, 888311-1 - 3,00 Euro)
Call it Love (Maxi, 887818-1 - 5,00 Euro)
Claro que si (6435123 - 26,00 Euro)
Desire (Maxi, 880895-1 - 6,00 Euro)
Do it (2Maxi, Promo, Ltd. Ed., 162-445815-1 - 6,00 Euro)
Essential (512390-1 - 38,00 Euro)
Flag (836426-1 - 5,00 Euro)
Goldrush (Maxi, 884877-1 - 5,00 Euro)
Hands on Yello (6LP-Box, Nbrd. Ed. 0655/1000, 2 Slipmats und Booklet - 45,00 Euro)
Hands on Yello (2LP, Yello DJ1+Yello DJ2, Promo - 18,00 Euro)
How How - The Plutone Mixes (A 009712 - 3,00 Euro)
How How - The Plutone Mixes (2LP, A 009712 - 5,00 Euro)
How How - The Fluke Mixes (A 009711 - 4,00 Euro)
Call it Love (Maxi, 888311-1 - 3,00 Euro)
Call it Love (Maxi, 887818-1 - 5,00 Euro)
Claro que si (6435123 - 26,00 Euro)
Desire (Maxi, 880895-1 - 6,00 Euro)
Do it (2Maxi, Promo, Ltd. Ed., 162-445815-1 - 6,00 Euro)
Essential (512390-1 - 38,00 Euro)
Flag (836426-1 - 5,00 Euro)
Goldrush (Maxi, 884877-1 - 5,00 Euro)
Hands on Yello (6LP-Box, Nbrd. Ed. 0655/1000, 2 Slipmats und Booklet - 45,00 Euro)
Hands on Yello (2LP, Yello DJ1+Yello DJ2, Promo - 18,00 Euro)
How How - The Plutone Mixes (A 009712 - 3,00 Euro)
How How - The Plutone Mixes (2LP, A 009712 - 5,00 Euro)
How How - The Fluke Mixes (A 009711 - 4,00 Euro)
Interview-PictureLP (BAK 2132, Ltd. Ed. - 20,00 Euro
Jetzt und alles (Soundtrack, 6435126 - 35,00 Euro)
Jingle Bells (Soundtrack, 852487-1 - 3,00 Euro)
Jungle Bill (866875-1 - 4,00 Euro)
Jungle Bill (MERX 376 - 2,00 Euro)
Jungle Bill (Promo, 162-880003-1DJ - 2,00 Euro)
Jungle Bill - The Andrew Weatherall Mixes (MRXX 376, Ltd. Ed. - 9,00 Euro)
Jungle Bill - The Andrew Weatherall Mixes (864375-1 - 5,00 Euro)
Let me cry (814101-1 - 4,00 Euro)
Live at the Roxy N.Y. Dec. 83 (Maxi, nur einseitig bespielt, 822262-1 - 39,00 Euro)
Lost again (814611-1 - 4,00 Euro)
Of course I'm lying (872749-1 - 2,00 Euro)
Of course I'm lying (2 Maxi, Ltd. Ed., YELLO 312+322 - 5,00 Euro)
Of course I'm lying - The Metropolitan Mix (YELLO 322 - 3,00 Euro)
Oh yeah - In the Movies (888908-1 - 5,00 Euro)
On Track - The Mixes (3 Maxi, Promo, Yellow Vinyl, Ltd. Ed. 2000, PY 122 - 118,00 Euro)
One Second (830956-1 - 5,00 Euro)
Pinball Cha Cha (6400571 - 5,00 Euro)
Pocket Universe (2LP, 534353-1 - 150,00 Euro)
Point (0602508833779 - 16,00 Euro)
Pumping Velvet (0-66979 - 6,00 Euro)
Rubberbandman (Promo, YDJ 9 - 2,00 Euro)
Solid Pleasure (6435094 - 27,00 Euro)
Solid Pleasure (SPLT4 - 4,00 Euro)
Squeeze Please (2Maxi, Remixes, B 030270-01/02 - 5,00 Euro)
Stella (822820-1 - 31,00 Euro)
The Race (870330-1 - 2,00 Euro)
The Race (Ltd. Ed. Remix, YELLR 112 - 2,00 Euro)
The Race (PictureLP, 870331-1 - 16,00 Euro)
The Rhythm Devine (888746-1 - 3,00 Euro)
The Yellow (Megamix, beide Seiten identisch, YLO 03 - 5,00 Euro)
Tied up in Gear (Promo, PRO 768-1 - 2,00 Euro)
Tied up in Life (Promo, YDJ 4 - 2,00 Euro)
Tied up in Life (Promo, FLAG 0J - 2,00 Euro)
Tied up in Life (Promo, FLAG 00J2 - 5,00 Euro)
To the Sea (The Mixes, 574125-1 - 4,00 Euro)
Tremendous Pain (856751-1 - 3,00 Euro)
Tremendous Pain (Promo, RP 31133 - 5,00 Euro)
Tremendous Pain (Promo, Clear Yellow Vinyl, PR 12609-1 - 2,00 Euro)
Unbelievable (Promo, ED 5467 - 2,00 Euro)
Vicious Games (Promo, MERX 235 - 13,00 Euro)
Vicious Games (880574-1 - 2,00 Euro)
Vicious Games (Promo, 162-440812-1 DJ - 2,00 Euro)
Vicious Games (2Promo, B 812065-02 - 2,00 Euro)
Vicious Games - Yello vs Hardfloor (PLAT 52 - 2,00 Euro)
Vicious Games - Yello vs Hardfloor (PLAT 52 x - 2,00 Euro)
Who's gone (868765-1 - 5,00 Euro)
Yello vs Hardfloor (2LP, PLAT 52+PLAT 52X - 10,00 Euro)
You gotta say Yes to another Excess (812166-1 - 27,00 Euro)
You gotta say Yes to another Excess (Musterplatte, 812166-1 - 25,00 Euro)
You gotta say Yes to another Excess (Remix, Yello Remix - 5,00 Euro)
You gotta say Yes to another Excess (811137-1 - 4,00 Euro)
Zebra (522496-1, mit Kunststoff-Tragetasche, - 101,00 Euro)
Blazing Saddles (MaxiCD, 874929-2 - 6,00 Euro)
Do it (MaxiCD, 858695-2 - 2,00 Euro)
Eccentric Remixes (538584-2 - 3,00 Euro)
How How 1 - The Originals (MaxiCD, 856143-2 - 2,00 Euro)
How How 4 - Breaks, Beats & Loops (MaxiCD, 856141-2 - 6,00 Euro)
Motion Picture (CD-ROM - 1,00 Euro)
Pocket Universe (534353-2 - 2,00 Euro)
The Eye (98085523 - 2,00 Euro)
To the Sea (Promo, MaxiCD, 574121-2 - 5,00 Euro)
Tremendous Pain (MaxiCD, 856749-2 - 4,00 Euro)
Zebra-Box (Ltd. Ed., Blechdose mit CD und Original Swatch - 38,00 Euro)
Hands on Yello (527383-2 - 2,00 Euro)
Hands on Yello - Plutone's Oh Yeah (MaxiCD, 577089-2 - 3,00 Euro)
Hands on Yello - The Updates (2CD, 527728-2 - 30,00 Euro)
Jetzt und alles (Soundtrack, 6435126 - 35,00 Euro)
Jingle Bells (Soundtrack, 852487-1 - 3,00 Euro)
Jungle Bill (866875-1 - 4,00 Euro)
Jungle Bill (MERX 376 - 2,00 Euro)
Jungle Bill (Promo, 162-880003-1DJ - 2,00 Euro)
Jungle Bill - The Andrew Weatherall Mixes (MRXX 376, Ltd. Ed. - 9,00 Euro)
Jungle Bill - The Andrew Weatherall Mixes (864375-1 - 5,00 Euro)
Let me cry (814101-1 - 4,00 Euro)
Live at the Roxy N.Y. Dec. 83 (Maxi, nur einseitig bespielt, 822262-1 - 39,00 Euro)
Lost again (814611-1 - 4,00 Euro)
Of course I'm lying (872749-1 - 2,00 Euro)
Of course I'm lying (2 Maxi, Ltd. Ed., YELLO 312+322 - 5,00 Euro)
Of course I'm lying - The Metropolitan Mix (YELLO 322 - 3,00 Euro)
Oh yeah - In the Movies (888908-1 - 5,00 Euro)
On Track - The Mixes (3 Maxi, Promo, Yellow Vinyl, Ltd. Ed. 2000, PY 122 - 118,00 Euro)
One Second (830956-1 - 5,00 Euro)
Pinball Cha Cha (6400571 - 5,00 Euro)
Pocket Universe (2LP, 534353-1 - 150,00 Euro)
Point (0602508833779 - 16,00 Euro)
Pumping Velvet (0-66979 - 6,00 Euro)
Rubberbandman (Promo, YDJ 9 - 2,00 Euro)
Solid Pleasure (6435094 - 27,00 Euro)
Solid Pleasure (SPLT4 - 4,00 Euro)
Squeeze Please (2Maxi, Remixes, B 030270-01/02 - 5,00 Euro)
Stella (822820-1 - 31,00 Euro)
The Race (870330-1 - 2,00 Euro)
The Race (Ltd. Ed. Remix, YELLR 112 - 2,00 Euro)
The Race (PictureLP, 870331-1 - 16,00 Euro)
The Rhythm Devine (888746-1 - 3,00 Euro)
The Yellow (Megamix, beide Seiten identisch, YLO 03 - 5,00 Euro)
Tied up in Gear (Promo, PRO 768-1 - 2,00 Euro)
Tied up in Life (Promo, YDJ 4 - 2,00 Euro)
Tied up in Life (Promo, FLAG 0J - 2,00 Euro)
Tied up in Life (Promo, FLAG 00J2 - 5,00 Euro)
To the Sea (The Mixes, 574125-1 - 4,00 Euro)
Tremendous Pain (856751-1 - 3,00 Euro)
Tremendous Pain (Promo, RP 31133 - 5,00 Euro)
Tremendous Pain (Promo, Clear Yellow Vinyl, PR 12609-1 - 2,00 Euro)
Unbelievable (Promo, ED 5467 - 2,00 Euro)
Vicious Games (Promo, MERX 235 - 13,00 Euro)
Vicious Games (880574-1 - 2,00 Euro)
Vicious Games (Promo, 162-440812-1 DJ - 2,00 Euro)
Vicious Games (2Promo, B 812065-02 - 2,00 Euro)
Vicious Games - Yello vs Hardfloor (PLAT 52 - 2,00 Euro)
Vicious Games - Yello vs Hardfloor (PLAT 52 x - 2,00 Euro)
Who's gone (868765-1 - 5,00 Euro)
Yello vs Hardfloor (2LP, PLAT 52+PLAT 52X - 10,00 Euro)
You gotta say Yes to another Excess (812166-1 - 27,00 Euro)
You gotta say Yes to another Excess (Musterplatte, 812166-1 - 25,00 Euro)
You gotta say Yes to another Excess (Remix, Yello Remix - 5,00 Euro)
You gotta say Yes to another Excess (811137-1 - 4,00 Euro)
Zebra (522496-1, mit Kunststoff-Tragetasche, - 101,00 Euro)
Blazing Saddles (MaxiCD, 874929-2 - 6,00 Euro)
Do it (MaxiCD, 858695-2 - 2,00 Euro)
Eccentric Remixes (538584-2 - 3,00 Euro)
How How 1 - The Originals (MaxiCD, 856143-2 - 2,00 Euro)
How How 4 - Breaks, Beats & Loops (MaxiCD, 856141-2 - 6,00 Euro)
Motion Picture (CD-ROM - 1,00 Euro)
Pocket Universe (534353-2 - 2,00 Euro)
The Eye (98085523 - 2,00 Euro)
To the Sea (Promo, MaxiCD, 574121-2 - 5,00 Euro)
Tremendous Pain (MaxiCD, 856749-2 - 4,00 Euro)
Zebra-Box (Ltd. Ed., Blechdose mit CD und Original Swatch - 38,00 Euro)
Hands on Yello (527383-2 - 2,00 Euro)
Hands on Yello - Plutone's Oh Yeah (MaxiCD, 577089-2 - 3,00 Euro)
Hands on Yello - The Updates (2CD, 527728-2 - 30,00 Euro)
Plakat - Yello Live Berlin 2016 im Kraftwerk - mit Original-Autogramm Dieter Meier und Boris Blank
...and the Fun goes on (DL 25577 - 4,00 Euro)
Desperate Dan (DL 25552 - 3,00 Euro)
Mouldy old Dough (DL 25530 - 8,00 Euro)
Mouldy old Dough (SLK 17007-P - 93,00 Euro)
Pigeon Pie (SKL 5174 - 63,00 Euro)
Dance - If you want it, Part 1+2 (2041746 - 3,00 Euro)
England, England (2041786 - 3,00 Euro)
Heaven help the Man (248430-7 - 3,00 Euro)
Highway Driver (2041549 - 3,00 Euro)
Hurry to the City (Promo, ATL 10290 - 12,00 Euro)
I'm the Joker (2041677 - 3,00 Euro)
Queen of Dreams (ATL 10248 - 13,00 Euro)
Stand up (2042077 - 6,00 Euro)
England, England - Live on Stage (2LP, 2664160 - 31,00 Euro)
Fast Forward (2417109 - 29,00 Euro)
Heaven help the Man (Maxi, 248430-0 - 3,00 Euro)
Highway Driver (Maxi, 248595-0 - 5,00 Euro)
Highway Driver (2371555 - 42,00 Euro)
Kitsch (2371666 - 53,00 Euro)
Magic Ferry (242007-1 - 10,00 Euro)
Randy Pie (2949015 - 64,00 Euro)
Randy Pie (PD-6515 - 36,00 Euro)
Rock Sensation (2415334 - 19,00 Euro)
Sightseeing Tour (2371491 - 56,00 Euro)
The Best of (2459136 - 9,00 Euro)
The Story of (2LP, 2437609 - 8,00 Euro)
As long as it's Love (2023119 - 3,00 Euro)
Back to Music (141488 - 2,00 Euro)
Back to Music (Special Ltd. Ed., 2023102 - 2,00 Euro)
Nobody but You (2023108 - 2,00 Euro)
LPs und Maxis
As long as it's Love (Maxi, 2141161 - 2,00 Euro)
Back to Music (660.024 - 7,00 Euro)
Back to Music (Special Ltd. Ed., 2023102 - 5,00 Euro)
Bad bad Boy (GOM 30004 - 5,00 Euro)
Sentimentally it's You (Maxi, EPC 137792 - 4,00 Euro)
Theo Vaness (2325211 - 4,00 Euro)
Oxygene IV (2001721 - 3,00 Euro)
Chronologie 4 (Remix by Praga Khan, CHRON 2 - 6,00 Euro)
...and the Fun goes on (DL 25577 - 4,00 Euro)
Desperate Dan (DL 25552 - 3,00 Euro)
Mouldy old Dough (DL 25530 - 8,00 Euro)
Mouldy old Dough (SLK 17007-P - 93,00 Euro)
Pigeon Pie (SKL 5174 - 63,00 Euro)
Dance - If you want it, Part 1+2 (2041746 - 3,00 Euro)
England, England (2041786 - 3,00 Euro)
Heaven help the Man (248430-7 - 3,00 Euro)
Highway Driver (2041549 - 3,00 Euro)
Hurry to the City (Promo, ATL 10290 - 12,00 Euro)
I'm the Joker (2041677 - 3,00 Euro)
Queen of Dreams (ATL 10248 - 13,00 Euro)
Stand up (2042077 - 6,00 Euro)
England, England - Live on Stage (2LP, 2664160 - 31,00 Euro)
Fast Forward (2417109 - 29,00 Euro)
Heaven help the Man (Maxi, 248430-0 - 3,00 Euro)
Highway Driver (Maxi, 248595-0 - 5,00 Euro)
Highway Driver (2371555 - 42,00 Euro)
Kitsch (2371666 - 53,00 Euro)
Magic Ferry (242007-1 - 10,00 Euro)
Randy Pie (2949015 - 64,00 Euro)
Randy Pie (PD-6515 - 36,00 Euro)
Rock Sensation (2415334 - 19,00 Euro)
Sightseeing Tour (2371491 - 56,00 Euro)
The Best of (2459136 - 9,00 Euro)
The Story of (2LP, 2437609 - 8,00 Euro)
As long as it's Love (2023119 - 3,00 Euro)
Back to Music (141488 - 2,00 Euro)
Back to Music (Special Ltd. Ed., 2023102 - 2,00 Euro)
Nobody but You (2023108 - 2,00 Euro)
LPs und Maxis
As long as it's Love (Maxi, 2141161 - 2,00 Euro)
Back to Music (660.024 - 7,00 Euro)
Back to Music (Special Ltd. Ed., 2023102 - 5,00 Euro)
Bad bad Boy (GOM 30004 - 5,00 Euro)
Sentimentally it's You (Maxi, EPC 137792 - 4,00 Euro)
Theo Vaness (2325211 - 4,00 Euro)
Oxygene IV (2001721 - 3,00 Euro)
Chronologie 4 (Remix by Praga Khan, CHRON 2 - 6,00 Euro)
Equinoxe (FDM 83150 - 44,00 Euro)
Magnetic Fields (FDM 18108 - 16,00 Euro)
Musik aus Zeit und Raum (856054 - 56,00 Euro)
Notre-Dame Live VR (19439895351 - 25,00 Euro)
Magnetic Fields (FDM 18108 - 16,00 Euro)
Musik aus Zeit und Raum (856054 - 56,00 Euro)
Notre-Dame Live VR (19439895351 - 25,00 Euro)
Oxygene (MTO 77000 - 7,00 Euro)
Oxygene (Promo, Remixes, SAMPMS 4324 - 5,00 Euro)
Oxygene 3 (88985361881, Ltd. Ed., Clear Vinyl - 20,00 Euro)
Oxygene (Promo, Remixes, SAMPMS 4324 - 5,00 Euro)
Oxygene 3 (88985361881, Ltd. Ed., Clear Vinyl - 20,00 Euro)
Oxymore (2LP, 19658746581 - 28,00 Euro)
Aero (CD-ROM - 1,00 Euro)
Destination Docklands (88843024732 - 2,00 Euro)
Jarre in China (CD-ROM - 1,00 Euro)
Metamorphoses (CD-ROM - 1,00 Euro)
El Hombre Lobo (818033-7 - 5,00 Euro)
Me estoy volviendo loco (30.545 - 9,00 Euro)
The Night (811738-7 - 3,00 Euro)
LPs und Maxis
El Hombre Lobo (Maxi, 818033-1 - 4,00 Euro)
La edad de los Colores (6301037 - 12,00 Euro)
Me estoy volviendo loco (Maxi, 0930.072 - 7,00 Euro)
Mercado Comun (824534-1 - 6,00 Euro)
No tengo Tiempo (Maxi, 812124-1 - 3,00 Euro)
Suspense (814850-1 - 8,00 Euro)
The Night (Maxi, 811738-1 - 5,00 Euro)
Aero (CD-ROM - 1,00 Euro)
Destination Docklands (88843024732 - 2,00 Euro)
Jarre in China (CD-ROM - 1,00 Euro)
Metamorphoses (CD-ROM - 1,00 Euro)
El Hombre Lobo (818033-7 - 5,00 Euro)
Me estoy volviendo loco (30.545 - 9,00 Euro)
The Night (811738-7 - 3,00 Euro)
LPs und Maxis
El Hombre Lobo (Maxi, 818033-1 - 4,00 Euro)
La edad de los Colores (6301037 - 12,00 Euro)
Me estoy volviendo loco (Maxi, 0930.072 - 7,00 Euro)
Mercado Comun (824534-1 - 6,00 Euro)
No tengo Tiempo (Maxi, 812124-1 - 3,00 Euro)
Suspense (814850-1 - 8,00 Euro)
The Night (Maxi, 811738-1 - 5,00 Euro)
Live Online (Zyx 21227-1, Clear Brown Vinyl, Nbrd. Ed. 160/300 - 30,00 Euro)
Sail (2LP, 5908291863555, White Vinyl, Nbrd. Ed. 100/500 - 49,00 Euro)
Oktober 2024
Oktober 2024
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